- Types Of Speech
- You can use acatalectic as a article in a sentence.
- About Acatalectic
- A 5 syllables article and 11 letters with the letters a, c, e, i, l, and t, 6 consonants, 5 vowels and 5 syllables with the middle letter l. Acatalectic starts with a vowel and ends in a consonant with the starting letters a, ac, aca, acat, acata, and the ending characters are c, ic, tic, ctic, ectic, ..
- Definition
- (verse) metrically complete; especially having the full number of syllables in the final metrical foot
- Origin/Roots
- Late Latin
- Pig Latin
- Acatalectic in Pig Latin is said as "acatalecticay or acatalecticway".
- Unigram
- a | c | a | t | a | l | e | c | t | i | c
- Bigram
- ac | ca | at | ta | al | le | ec | ct | ti | ic
- Trigram
- aca | cat | ata | tal | ale | lec | ect | cti | tic
- Quadrigram
- acat | cata | atal | tale | alec | lect | ecti | ctic
- Word Gram
Antonym | Definition |
Catalectic | (verse) metrically incomplete especially lacking one or more syllables in the final metrical foot |
Hypercatalectic | (verse) having an extra syllable or syllables at the end of a metrically complete verse or in a metrical foot |
Anagram | Definition |
Acatalectic | (verse) metrically complete especially having the full number of syllables in the final metrical foot |
View English words with the unique letters used in acatalectic. Words With The Letters Aceilt
Acatalectic Is In These Word Lists
- Starts With A
- Ends With C