Welcome to the largest prefix/suffix word chart online. The roots of all words categorized by letters, starting and ending. Organized using the most common words throughout You Go Words!. This is a rather large page of information - I'm sorry if loading time is slow.
A total of 0 prefixes I have Analyzed. The top 250 with two or more letter prefixes and 100 or more words are listed below, including how many words on You Go Words! have the root that you can browse and research. Please submit feedback and suggestions on how I could improve the information on prefixes found on this page for you.
Rank | Prefix / Root | Length Of Prefix | How Many Words |
A total of 0 suffixes I have Analyzed. The top 250 with two or more letter suffixes and 100 or more words are listed below, including how many words on You Go Words! have the suffix listed that you can browse and research. Please submit feedback and suggestions on how I could improve the information on suffixes found on this page for you.
Rank | Suffix | Length Of Suffix | How Many Words |
A total of 0 prefix and suffixes I have Analyzed. The top 250 prefix with suffixes with 100 or more words used in the English language are listed below, including how many words on You Go Words! have the prefix and suffix listed that you can browse and research. Included in this list, are some of the words with the same prefix and suffix
Rank | Prefix / Suffix | Length Prefix vs Suffix | How Many Words | Same Prefix & Suffix |
Here's a list of common Latin & Greek prefix and roots.
Latin or Greek | Root | Meaning |
Latin | ambi- | both |
Greek | anthropo- | man; human; humanity |
Latin | aqua- | water |
Latin | aud- | to hear |
Greek | auto- | self |
Latin | bene- | good |
Greek | bio- | life |
Latin | cent- | one hundred |
Greek | chron- | time |
Latin | circum- | around |
Latin | contra-/counter- | against |
Latin | dict- | to say |
Latin | duc-/duct- | to lead |
Greek | dyna- | power |
Greek | dys- | bad; hard; unlucky |
Latin | fac- | to do; to make |
Latin | form- | shape |
Latin | fort- | strength |
Latin | fract- | to break |
Greek | gram- | thing written |
Greek | graph- | writing |
Greek | hetero- | different |
Greek | homo- | same |
Greek | hydr- | water |
Greek | hypo- | below; beneath |
Latin | ject- | throw |
Latin | jud- | judge |
Greek | logy | study of |
Latin | mal- | bad |
Latin | mater- | mother |
Greek | meter-/metr- | measure |
Greek | micro- | small |
Greek | mis-/miso- | hate |
Latin | mit- | to send |
Greek | mono- | one |
Greek | morph- | form; shape |
Latin | mort- | death |
Latin | multi- | many |
Greek | nym- | name |
Latin | pater- | father |
Greek | phil- | love |
Greek | phobia- | fear |
Greek | phon- | sound |
Greek | photo- / phos- | light |
Latin | port- | to carry |
Greek | pseudo- | false |
Greek | psycho- | soul; spirit |
Latin | rupt- | to break |
Greek | scope- | viewing instrument |
Latin | scrib-/scribe- | to write |
Latin | sect-/sec- | to cut |
Latin | sent- | to feel; to send |
Latin | spect- | to look |
Latin | struct- | to build |
Greek | techno- | art; science; skill |
Greek | tele- | far off |
Greek | therm- | heat |
Latin | vid-/vis- | to see |
Latin | voc- | voice; to call |
The entire prefix and suffix chart with example words, explanation of each prefix and suffix. This list will be updated soon.
The chart below has errors in the example words. The example words are listed in order of most requested by You Go Word! members. Check back again soon as I update the accuracy of the prefixes and suffixes charts shown on this page.
Prefix or Suffix | Meaning | Examples |
a, ac, ad, af,ag, al, an, ap,as and at | to, toward, near, in addition to, by | |
a- and an- | not, without | |
ab and abs | away from, off | about, able, abstinence and absolution |
able and ible | Adjective: worth, ability | able, syllable, bible and invisible |
acer, acid and acri | bitter, sour, sharp | exacerbation, acer, acid, placid, sacrifice and alacrity |
act and ag | do, act, drive | characters, subtraction, again and language |
acu | sharp | abacus and vacuole |
acy and cy | Noun: state or quality | tracy, legacy, nancy and lucy |
ade | act, product, sweet drink | made and jade |
aer and aero | air, atmosphere, aviation | aerobics, aerial, aerobics and aeroplane |
ag, agi, ig and act | do, move, go | again, language, magic, imagine, tiger, high, characters and subtraction |
age | Noun: activity, or result of action | language and courage |
agri and agro | pertaining to fields or soil | agriculture, agribusiness, agronomical and agronomist |
al | Noun: action, result of action | identical and special |
al, ial and ical | Adjective: quality, relation | identical, special, initial and musical |
alb and albo | white, without pigment | album, albert, aalborg and talbot |
ali, allo and alter | other | california, australia, halloween, marshmallow, alternative and alter |
alt | high, deep | health and healthy |
am, ami and amor | love, like, liking | family, america, family, dopamine, metamorphic and amor |
ambi | both | ambidextrous and ambition |
ambul | to walk | ambulance and perambulate |
an | Noun: person | woman and american |
ana and ano | up, back, again, anew | banana, dana, piano and volcano |
ance and ence | Noun: action, state, quality or process | dance, chance, silence and science |
ancy and ency | Noun: state, quality or capacity | nancy, fancy, frequency and agency |
andr and andro | male, characteristics of men | andrew, androgynous, androgynous and android |
ang | angular | orange and angel |
anim | mind, life, spirit, anger | animal and anime |
ann, annu and enni | yearly | anna, rihanna, annunciation, cannula, kenning and jennifer |
ant and ent | Noun: an agent, something that performs the action | consonant, elephant, moment and intermittent |
ant, ent and ient | Adjective: kind of agent, indication | consonant, elephant, moment, intermittent, ancient and quotient |
ante | before | anteater and ante |
anthrop | man | anthropomorphize and philanthropy |
anti and ant | against, opposite | constantinople, anti, consonant and santa |
anti and antico | old | constantinople, anti, anticoagulation and anticodon |
apo, ap and aph | away from, detached, formed | saponification, apocalypse, happy, happiness, graph and photography |
aqu | water | aqua and aquarium |
ar and ary | Adjective: resembling, related to | near, star, mary and january |
arch | chief, first, rule | arch and march |
ard and art | Noun: characterized | fireboard, godard, heart and smart |
aster and astr | star | easter, aster, astronaut and catastrophe |
ate | Noun: state, office, fuction | donate and chocolate |
ate | Verb: cause to be | donate and chocolate |
ate | Adjective: kind of state | donate and chocolate |
ation | Noun: action, resulting state | alliteration and information |
auc, aug and aut | to originate, to increase | sauce, auction, laugh, august, beautiful and beauty |
aud, audi, aurand aus | to hear, listen | audio, audience, audio, audience, dinosaur, restaurant, austin and australia |
aug and auc | increase | laugh, august, sauce and auction |
aut and auto | self | beautiful, beauty, auto and automobile |
bar | weight, pressure | barn and barf |
be | on, around, over, about, excessively, make, cause, name, affect | beautiful and amber |
belli | war | belligerent and rebellion |
bene | good, well, gentle | benevolent and benediction |
bi and bine | two | birthday, bird, carabiner and cabinet |
bibl, bibli and biblio | book | bible, biblical, biblical, bibliography, bibliography and bibliophile |
bio and bi | life | abiogenesis, abiotic, birthday and bird |
brev | short | abbreviation and abbreviate |
cad, cap, cas,ceiv, cept, capt,cid and cip | to take, to seize, to hold | cadence, abracadabra, captain, capital, cash, casino, receiver, deceive, deception, inception, captain, captive, acid, accident, discipline and reciprocal |
cad and cas | to fall | cadence, abracadabra, cash and casino |
cade | procession | cade and facade |
calor | heat | calorie and calorimeter |
capit and capt | head | capital, capitalization, captain and captive |
carn | flesh | carnival and reincarnation |
cat, cata and cath | down, with | abdicate, syllabicate, catastrophe, yucatan, catherine and catholic |
caus and caut | burn, heat | because, cause, caution and precaution |
cause, cuseand cus | cause, motive | because, cause, excuse, focused, circus and abacus |
ceas, ced,cede, ceed and cess | to go, to yield, move, go, surrender | surcease, cease, abecedarian, acedia, concede, antecedent, succeed, succeeding, princess and success |
cent | hundred | cent and abdominocentesis |
centr and centri | center | central, concentration, centriole and eccentric |
chrom | color | chromosome and chromium |
chron | time | chronicle and anachronism |
cide, cis and cise | to kill, to cut, cut down | accident, cider, fascist, exercise, exercise and abscise |
circum | around | circumcision and circumfusion |
cit | call, start | city and electricity |
civ | citizen | civilization and civic |
clam and claim | cry out | clam, exclamation, claim and acclaim |
clin | lean, bend | recycling and clinton |
clud and clus claus | to close, shut | conclude and occluded |
co, cog, col,coll, con, comand cor | with, together | chocolate, country, cognition, incognito, chocolate, cole, college, collocation, consonant, cone, come, welcome, corn and popcorn |
cogn and gnos | to know | cognition, incognito, diagnosis and diagnosing |
com and con | fully | come, welcome, consonant and cone |
contr, contraand counter | against, opposite | contraband, control, contraband, contraption, counter and counterfeit |
cord, cor and cardi | heart | record, accordion, corn, popcorn, cardinal and pericarditis |
corp | body | corporal and scorpion |
cort | correct | cortex and cortisone |
cosm | universe, world | cosmetologist and cosmic |
cour, cur, currand curs | run, course | courage, court, mercury, accurate, current, curry, cursive and excursion |
crat and cracy | rule | crate, scratch, democracy and bureaucracy |
cre, cresc, cretand crease | grow | secret, secretary, crescendo, crescendoing, secret, secretary, crease and decrease |
crea | create | cream and creation |
cred | believe | credit and sacred |
cresc, cret,crease and cru | rise, grow | crescendo, crescendoing, secret, secretary, crease, decrease, cruise and crutch |
crit | separate, choose | criticism and alacrity |
cur and curs | run | mercury, accurate, cursive and excursion |
cura | care | accurate and curate |
cycl and cyclo | wheel, circle, circular | cycle, recycling, cyclone and cyclosis |
de- | from, down, away, to do the opposite, reverse, against | |
dec and deca | ten, ten times | december, deception, decade and decameter |
dec and dign | suitable | december, deception, dignity and indignation |
dei and div | God | codeine, deity, diva and biodiversity |
dem and demo | people, populace, population | undemanding, demarcation, demon and demo |
dent and dont | tooth | identical, unidentified, orthodontics and orthodontist |
derm | skin, covering | dermatome and dermatosclerosis |
di and dy | two, twice, double | abdicate, undemanding, lady and body |
dia | through, across, between | india and indian |
dic, dict and dit | say, speak | abdicate, amerindic, interdiction, addiction, credit and commodity |
dis and dif | not, opposite of, reverse, separate, deprive of, away | disney, madison, different and difficult |
dit | give | credit and commodity |
doc and doct | teach, prove | doctor, dock, doctor and doctrine |
domin | master, that which is under control | abdominocentesis and abdominovesical |
don | give | donate and london |
dorm | sleep | dorm and dormant |
dox | thought, opinion, praise | paradox and doxology |
drome | run, step | syndrome and palindrome |
duc and duct | to lead, pull | duck, education, abducting and product |
dura | hard, lasting | endurance and durant |
dynam | power | dynamite and aerodynamics |
dys- | bad, abnormal, difficult, impaired, unfavorable | |
e- | not, missing, out, fully, away, computer network related | |
ec- | out of, outside | |
eco- | household, environment, relating to ecology or economy | |
ecto- | outside, external | |
ed | Verb: past tense | unidentified and crossed |
ed | Adjective: having the quality or characteristics of | unidentified and crossed |
en | Verb: to cause to become | seven and thirteen |
en | Adjective: material | seven and thirteen |
en and em | put into, make, provide with, surround with | seven, thirteen, meme and feminine |
ence and ency | Noun: action or process, quality or state | silence, science, frequency and agency |
end- | inside, within | |
epi- | upon, close to, over, after, altered | |
equi- | equal | |
er and ier | Adjective: comparative | silver, water, soldier and xavier |
er and or | Noun: person or thing that does something | silver, water, doctor and honor |
er and or | Verb: action | silver, water, doctor and honor |
erg | work, effect | energy and berg |
ery | collective qualities, art, practice, trade, collection, state, condition | mystery and every |
es and ies | Noun: plural of most nouns ending in -ch, -s, -sh, -o and -z and some in -f and -y | memories, eyes and aries |
es and ies | Verb: third person singular present indicative of verbs that end in -ch, -s, -sh, - and some in -y | memories, eyes and aries |
ess | female | princess and ness |
est and iest | Adjective or Adverb: superlative | forest, best, priest and loftiest |
ev and et | time, age | seven, eleven, poetry and secret |
ex- | out of, away from, lacking, former | |
exter, extra and extro | outside of, beyond | exterminate, dexter, extra, extraordinary, ambidextrous and dextroduction |
fa and fess | speak | family, father, professional and professor |
fac, fact, fec,fect, fic, fas and fea | do, make | face, faction, faction, fact, perfect, perfection, perfect, perfection, office, maleficent, fashion, fast, fear and fearless |
fall and fals | deceive | fall, fallen, false and falsification |
femto | quadrillionth | femtometer and femtochemistry |
fer | bear, carry | different and suffering |
fic, feign, fain,fit and feat | shape, make, fashion | office, maleficent, feigning, feign, fainting, fain, fitness, graffiti, feather and feathers |
fid | belief, faith | confidence and fiddle |
fid, fide and feder | faith, trust | confidence, fiddle, confidence, diffident, confederation and federal |
fig | shape, form | fight and figure |
fila and fili | thread | filariasis, filaria, filipino and profiling |
fin | end, ended, finished | undefined and fine |
fix | repair, attach | suffix and prefix |
flex and flect | bend | flex, flexible, reflection and deflect |
flict | strike | affliction and conflict |
flu, fluc, fluvand flux | flow | influence, flute, fluctuant, fluctuation, effluvious, fluviation, flux and afflux |
fold | Adverb: in a manner of, marked by | fold and centerfold |
for and fore | before | forty, california, forever and forest |
forc and fort | strength, strong | force, forces, forty and fortune |
form | shape, resemble | information and form |
fract, frag and frai | break | fraction, refraction, fragile, fragrance, afraid and frail |
fuge | flee | refuge and subterfuge |
ful | Noun: an amount or quanity that fills | beautiful and joyful |
ful | Adjective: having, giving, marked by | beautiful and joyful |
fuse | pour | fuse and confused |
fy | make, form into | fluffy and identify |
gam | marriage | game and origami |
gastr and gastro | stomach | gastrulation, gastroenterologist, gastroenterologist and gastronomy |
gen | kind | oxygen and legend |
gen | birth, race, produce | oxygen and legend |
geo | earth | georgia and george |
germ | vital part | german and germany |
gest | carry, bear | biggest and digestion |
giga | billion | gigantic and gigantism |
gin | careful | virginia and ginger |
gloss and glot | tongue | gloss, glossary, epiglottis and glottis |
glu and glo | lump, bond, glue | glue, glucose, glory and glow |
gor | to gather, to bring together | gorgeous and gorilla |
grad, gress and gree | to gather, to bring together, step, go | graduate, grade, congress, progress, green and greed |
graph, gramand graf | write, written, draw | graph, photography, gram, program, graffiti and graf |
grat | pleasing | congratulations and migration |
grav | heavy, weighty | gravity and aggravated |
greg | herd | segregation and gregory |
hale and heal | make whole, sound | whale, haley, health and healthy |
helio | sun | helios and aphelion |
hema and hemo | blood | mathematics, mathematician, chemosynthesis and hemorrhoid |
her, here and hes | stick | father, hero, here, there, photosynthesis and chess |
hetero | other, different | heterotroph and heterogeneous |
hex, ses and sex | six | hexagon, narthex, horses, session, sexism and intersexualism |
homo | same | sophomore and trichomoniasis |
hum and human | earth, ground, man | human, hummus, human and humanity |
hydr, hydra and hydro | water | hydrogen, hydrant, hydrant, dehydration, hydrogen and hydroelectricity |
hyper | over, above | hyper and hyperlipidemia |
hypn | sleep | hypnophobia and hypnotherapist |
ia | Noun: names, diseases | california and georgia |
ian and an | Noun: related to, one that is | christian, indian, woman and american |
iatry | Noun: art of healing | podiatry and psychiatry |
ic | Adjective: quality, relation | music and macaronic |
ic and ics | Noun: related to the arts and sciences | music, macaronic, politics and physics |
ice | Noun: act | office and justice |
ify | Verb: cause | identify and crucify |
ignis | fire | foreignism |
ile | Adjective: having the qualities of | smile and crocodile |
in and im | into, on, near, towards | again, princess, time and animal |
in, im, il and ir | not | again, princess, time, animal, silver, family, fireboard and thirteen |
infra | beneath | infrastructure and infraction |
ing | Noun: material made for, activity, result of an activity | ring and king |
ing | Verb: present participle | ring and king |
ing | Adjective: activity | ring and king |
inter | between, among | winter and intermittent |
intra | within, during, between layers, underneath | intranet and intransigent |
intro | into, within, inward | introduction and intro |
ion | Noun: condition or action | alliteration and lion |
ish | Adjective: having the character of | fish and wish |
ism | Noun: doctrine, belief, action or conduct | commensalism and autism |
ist | Noun: person or member | list and artist |
ite | Noun: state or quality | favorite and kite |
ity and ty | Noun: state or quality | city, personality, thirty and sixty |
ive | Noun: condition | five and live |
ive, ative and itive | Adjective: having the quality of | five, live, alternative, rebarbative, positive and infinitive |
ize | Verb: cause | size and prize |
jac and ject | throw | jack, jacob, adjective and project |
join and junct | join | joint, join, conjunctivitis and junction |
judice | judge | prejudice and unprejudicedness |
jug, junct and just | to join | subjugation, juggling, conjunctivitis, junction, justice and injustice |
juven | young | juvenile and rejuvenation |
labor | work | collaboration and labor |
lau, lav, lot and lut | wash | laugh, laughter, lava, slavery, lotion, charlotte, pollution and solution |
lect, leg and lig | choose, gather, select, read | electric, electricity, legend, college, light and belligerent |
leg | law | legend and college |
less | Adjective: without, missing | less and flawless |
levi | light | levi and television |
lex, leag and leg | law | flex, alexander, league, colleague, legend and college |
liber and liver | free | liberty, liberation, liver and delivery |
lide | strike | slide and collider |
liter | letters | alliteration and literature |
loc and loco | place, area | clock, local, loco and locomotive |
log, logo and ology | word, study, say, speech, reason, study | logan, ology, logo, autologous, ology and technology |
loqu and locut | talk, speak | eloquent, ventriloquist, elocution and allocution |
luc, lum, lun,lus and lust | light | lucky, luck, volume, aluminum, lunch, luna, allusion, illusion, lust and bluster |
lude | play | allude and conclude |
ly | Adverb: in the manner of | family and kelly |
macr and macer | lean | macromolecule, macron, macerator and macerate |
magn | great | magnesium and magnificent |
main | strength, foremost | main and maine |
mal | bad, badly | animal and maleficent |
man and manu | hand, make, do | woman, undemanding, amanuensis and manual |
mand | command | undemanding and mandala |
mania | madness | mania and romania |
mar, mari and mer | sea, pool | mary, smart, maria, marijuana, america and american |
matri | mother | matrimony and matrix |
medi | half, middle, between, halfway | media and medicine |
mega | great, million | megan and mega |
mem | recall, remember | meme and memory |
ment | mind | moment and element |
ment | Noun: condition or result | moment and element |
meso | middle | mesopotamia and mesosphere |
meta | beyond, change | metal and metamorphic |
meter | measure | meter and perimeter |
metr | admeasure, apportion | trigonometry and metronome |
micro | small, millionth | micro and microscope |
migra | wander | migraine and migration |
mill and kilo | thousand | million, miller, kilometer and kilo |
milli | thousandth | million and millionaire |
min | little, small | feminine and mine |
mis | wrong, bad, badly | promise and mist |
mit and miss | send | intermittent, smith, miss and missing |
mob, mov and mot | move | mobile, automobile, move, movie, mother and promote |
mon | warn, remind | month and monday |
mono | one | mono and monocle |
mor and mort | mortal, death | morning, memory, mortal and mortgage |
morph | shape, form | metamorphic and morphine |
multi | many, much | multiplication and multiple |
nano | billionth | nanotechnology and nanometer |
nasc, nat,gnant and nai | to be born | nascent, renascent, donate, nature, pregnant, stagnant, snail and naive |
nat and nasc | to be from, to spring forth | donate, nature, nascent and renascent |
neo | new | neon and igneous |
ness | Noun: state, condition, quality | ness and happiness |
neur | nerve | neurotic and neurotransmitter |
nom | law, order | gnome and onomatopoeia |
nom and nym | name | gnome, onomatopoeia, anonymous and anymore |
nomen and nomin | name | phenomenon, nomenclature, denominator and ignominious |
non | nine | none and anonymous |
non | not | none and anonymous |
nov | new | november and nova |
nox and noc | night | knox, equinox, abdominocentesis and innocent |
numer | number | numerator and innumerable |
numisma | coin | numismatist and numismatic |
ob, oc, of and op | toward, against, in the way | problem, jacob, chocolate, rock, office, soft, people and hope |
oct | eight | doctor and october |
oligo | few, little | oligopoly and oligospermia |
omni | all, every | insomnia and omnipotent |
onym | name | anonymous and antonym |
oper | work | opera and cooperation |
or | Noun: condition or activity | doctor and honor |
ortho | straight, correct | orthopedic and orthodontics |
ory | Noun: place for, serves for | history and story |
ous, eous, oseand ious | Adjective: having the quality of, relating to | dangerous, famous, gorgeous, igneous, rose, purpose, serious and delicious |
over | excessive, above | over and lover |
pac | peace | space and packaging |
pair and pare | arrange, assemblage, two | pair, despair, grandparents and spare |
paleo | old | paleontologist and paleontology |
pan | all | panda and company |
para | beside | paradise and separate |
pat, pass and path | feel, suffer | path, patrick, pass, passage, path and telepathist |
pater and patr | father | paternalism, pater, patrick and patriotism |
path and pathy | feeling, suffering | path, telepathist, empathy and apathy |
ped and pod | foot | orthopedic, pedestrian, podium and podiatrist |
pedo | child | pedometer and torpedo |
pel and puls | drive, push, urge | hopeless, pelican, compulsion and pulse |
pend, pens and pond | hang, weigh | independence, independent, pensive, pension, pond and ponder |
per | through, intensive | perfect and person |
peri | around | period and perimeter |
phage | eat | phage and bacteriophage |
phan, phas,phen, fan,phant and fant | show, make visible | elephant, orphan, prophase, phase, stephen, hyphenated, fantasy, tiffany, elephant, triumphant, fantasy and fantastic |
phe | speak | christopher and stephen |
phil | love | syphilis and philippines |
phlegma | inflammation | phlegmatic and phlegmaticalness |
phobia and phobos | fear | phobia, monophobia and phobos |
phon | sound | phone and xylophone |
phot and photo | light | photosynthesis, photo, photosynthesis and photo |
pico | trillionth | pico and picosecond |
pict | paint, show, draw | picture and pictogram |
plac and plais | please | place, fireplace, complaisant and complaisantly |
pli and ply | fold | multiplication, discipline, plymouth and supply |
plore | cry out, wail | explorer and explore |
plu, plur and plus | more | pluto, plum, plural, splurge, plus and surplus |
pneuma and pneumon | breath | pneumatic, pneumaticness, pneumonia and bronchopneumonia |
pod | foot, feet | podium and podiatrist |
poli | city | police and politics |
poly | many | polynomial and polygon |
pon, pos and pound | place, put | sponge, saponification, preposition, post, pound and compound |
pop | people | popcorn and popular |
port | carry | important and port |
portion | part, share | portion and proportion |
post | after, behind | post and apostrophe |
pot | power | chipotle and potato |
pre and pur | before | preposition, president, purple and purpose |
prehendere | seize, grasp | |
prin, prim and prime | first | princess, spring, primary, prime, prime and primed |
pro | for, foward | prom and problem |
proto | first | protozoa and proton |
psych | mind, soul | psycho and psychosis |
punct | point, dot | punctuation and acupuncture |
pute | think | computer and dispute |
quat and quad | four | equation, aquatic, quadrillion and quad |
quint and penta | five | quintillion, quint, pentagon and pentameter |
quip | ship | equipment and quip |
quir, quis,quest and quer | seek, ask | squirrel, squirting, inquisition, acquisitive, quest, question, conqueror and albuquerque |
re | back, again | fireboard and future |
reg and recti | straighten | irregular, segregation, direction and resurrection |
retro | backwards | retrocession and retro |
ri, ridi and risi | laughter | princess, ring, riding, ridiculousness, crisis and rising |
rog and roga | ask | program, frog, arrogant and surrogate |
rupt | break | corruption and abruption |
sacr, sanc and secr | sacred | sacrifice, sacred, sanctuary, sanchez, secret and secretary |
salv and salu | safe, healthy | salve, salvation, salutary and salute |
sanct | holy | sanctuary and sanction |
sat and satis | enough | saturn, factorisation, satisfaction and satisfying |
sci, scio and scientia | know | science, discipline, consciousness and conscious |
scope | see, watch | scope and kaleidoscope |
scrib and script | write | describe, scribble, scripture and prescription |
se | apart, move away from | seven and else |
sect and sec | cut | insect, bisect, secret and insect |
sed, sess and sid | sit | crossed, caused, session, obsessed, side and president |
semi | half, partial | yosemite and semicircle |
sen and scen | old, grow old | sentence, presence, scent and ascending |
sent and sens | feel, think | sentence, sent, sense and sensation |
sept | seven | september and septillion |
sequ, secu and sue | follow | consequence, consequences, security, insecure, issue and tissue |
serv | save, serve, keep | service and serve |
ship | Noun: status, condition | ship and relationship |
sign and signi | sign, mark, seal | sign, design, insignificant and assigning |
simil and simul | like, resembling | simile, similar, simulation and dissimulation |
sist, sta and stit | stand, withstand, make up | sister, narcissist, star, pasta, restitution and transvestitism |
soci | to join, companions | social and society |
sol and solus | alone | solution and solid |
solv, solu and solut | loosen, explain | solve, resolve, solution, absolution, solution and absolution |
somn | sleep | insomnia and somnolent |
soph | wise | sophia and sophomore |
spec, spect, spiand spic | look, see | special, respect, respect, aspect, spirit, hospital, spice and spick |
sper | render favorable | whisper and exasperation |
sphere | ball, sphere | atmosphere and sphere |
spir | breath | spirit and inspiration |
stand, stant,stab, stat, stan,sti, sta, st and stead | stand | stand, standard, constantinople, constant, antiestablishmentarianism, antidisestablishmentarianism, state, station, constantinople, distance, austin, christian, star, pasta, christmas, star, steady and steadily |
ster | person | monster and sister |
strain, strict,string and stige | bind, pull, draw tight | strain, distrain, district, astriction, string, astringent, prestige and vestige |
stru, struct,stroy and stry | build | structure, struggle, structure, instruction, destroyer, destroying, chemistry and thermochemistry |
sub, suc, suf,sup, sur and sus | under, below, from, secretly, instead of | subtraction, subject, success, succeed, suffering, suffocate, super, supper, sure, treasure, jesus and sushi |
sume and sump | take, use, waste | consumer, consumerism, sumption and assumption |
super and supra | over, above | super, superman, supra and suprainfection |
syn and sym | together, at the same time | photosynthesis, syndrome, symphony and symbol |
tact, tang, tag,tig and ting | touch | contact, tactics, tang, mustang, stage, tagalog, tiger, antigone, ting and abducting |
tain, ten, tentand tin | hold, keep, have | mountain, captain, intermittent, tent, intermittent, tent, ting and tina |
tect and teg | cover | architect, protection, integrity and category |
tele | distance, far, from afar | television and telepathist |
tem and tempo | time | system, temple, tempo and temporize |
ten, tin and tain | hold | intermittent, tent, ting, tina, mountain and captain |
tend, tent and tens | stretch, strain | tender, tend, intermittent, tent, tense and intensity |
tera | trillion | alliteration and literature |
term | end, boundary, limit | intermittent and watermelon |
terr and terra | earth | territory, terry, terrain and terrarium |
test | to bear witness | test and contest |
the and theo | God, a god | father, mother, theory and apotheosis |
therm | heat | weatherman and thermochemistry |
thesis and thet | place, put | photosynthesis, hypothesis, synthetic and theta |
tire | draw, pull | retirement and tired |
tom | cut | tomato and stomach |
tor, tors and tort | twist | history, story, torsion, actors, tortoise and contortion |
tox | poison | botox and toxic |
tract, tra, traiand treat | drag, draw, pull | subtraction, tractor, australia, train, train, straight, treat and treatment |
trans | across, beyond, change | transformation and transportation |
tri | three | patrick and nutrition |
trib | pay, bestow | retribution and tribute |
tribute | give | tribute and attributes |
turbo | disturb | turbot and turboprop |
typ | type and platypus | |
ultima | last | ultimate and antepenultimate |
umber and umbraticum | shadow | number and numbers |
un | not, against, opposite | country and mountain |
uni | one | unidentified and unit |
ure | Noun: act, condition, process, function | future and picture |
vac | empty | vacuole and vacation |
vade | go | invader and evade |
vale, vali and valu | strength, worth | vale, covalent, valium, valiant, value and evaluation |
veh and vect | to carry | vehicle, vehemence, convection and vector |
ven and vent | come | seven, heaven, seventy and adventure |
ver and veri | true | silver, over, wolverine and reverie |
verb and verv | word | adverb, verb, verve and vervet |
vert and vers | turn, change | advertising, poverty, anniversary and university |
vi | way | david and evil |
vic and vicis | change, substitute | victoria, victory, vicissitude and vicissitudes |
vict and vinc | conquer | victoria, victory, invincible and convincing |
vid and vis | see | david, video, television and invisible |
viv, vita and vivi | alive, life | survival, revival, vitamin, levitate, vivid and surviving |
voc and voke | call | advocate, avocado, provoked and evoke |
vol | will | volleyball and volcano |
volcan | fire | volcano and volcanic |
volv, volt and vol | turn about, roll | evolve, devolve, voltage, revolting, volleyball and volcano |
vor | eat greedily | favorite and ivory |
ward | Adverb: in a direction or manner | forward and ward |
wise | Adverb: in the manner of, with regard to | wise and anticlockwise |
with | against | with and withering |
y | Noun: state, condition, result of an activity | family and thursday |
y | Adjective: marked by, having | family and thursday |
zo | animal | zone and zombie |