Syllable counter with You Go Words provides the syllables of all words on their pages. Syllable counter is displayed in each words list regardless if you're searching for single syllable words ( monosyllabic), or two syllable adjectives with six letters ( disyllabic). Enter text in the box below and be provided the syllables, vowels, consonants, and letters alongside syllable splitting. If you enter more than one words you will be provided the word count, sentence count, number of nouns, verbs, and the number of adjectives used. I use US AmE and BrE due to syllable stress differences that can turn a 3 syllable word into a 2 syllable word.
From 0 words and 0 sentences, there are 0 syllables. You have used # nouns, # verbs, # adverbs and # adjectives. # of which were singular and # plural nouns. 0 consonants, 0 vowels, an average of words per sentence and syllables per word. # of your words entered begin with a vowel and # end with a vowel, while # begin with a consonant and # end with a consonant. # start with and end in a vowel, and # start with and end in a consonant. - This is all coming soon!
Here are 100 of your words retreived in the order they appear in your writing.
Word | Length | Vowels | Syllables | |
As you can see from above. I also provide word count, letters used, sentence count with the syllables counter. When you need teaching aids, or need a tool designed to count how many syllables in text. Clicking on "count syllables" after you enter your text, may take a moment - and the page will not reload while the results are being queried. The table above will return the count of syllables on each line of text you enter, and a total syllable count. This tool might not be entirely accurate, but I am fine tuning the algorithms based on my library in order to correct anomolies, errors, and multi-language syllabic analysis. You can use this tool to check syllables while writing poems, haiku, short stories and more. Feel free to provide feedback to ensure I am made aware of any bugs and/or errors you encounter.
- One Syllables
- Two Syllables
- Three Syllables
- Four Syllables
- Five Syllables
- Six Syllables
- Seven Syllables
- Eight Syllables
- Nine Syllables
- Ten Syllables
- Eleven Syllables
- Twelve Syllables
I will also soon be providing a widget to embed the You Go Words! syllable counter and haiku syllable counter on your website or blog, a add-on for your browser, and a Android SyllableCounter app and iOS SyllablesCounter App are coming soon as well. Be sure you are a registered member to be notified of the release when they are made available.