- Types Of Speech
- You can use acoustic as a article or as a noun in a sentence.
- About Acoustic
- A 3 syllables article and 8 letters with the letters a, c, i, o, s, t, and u, 4 consonants, 4 vowels and 3 syllables with the middle letters us. Acoustic starts with a vowel and ends in a consonant with the starting letters a, ac, aco, acou, acous, and the ending characters are c, ic, tic, stic, ustic, ..
- Definition
- A remedy for hearing loss or deafness
- Origin/Roots
- French
- School Grade
- Acoustic is set as a sat word that starts with a, ends with c, 3 syllables, 4 vowels and 8 letters.
- Pig Latin
- Acoustic in Pig Latin is said as "acousticay or acousticway".
- Unigram
- a | c | o | u | s | t | i | c
- Bigram
- ac | co | ou | us | st | ti | ic
- Trigram
- aco | cou | ous | ust | sti | tic
- Quadrigram
- acou | cous | oust | usti | stic
- Word Gram
- Noun Examples
- a remedy for hearing loss or deafness
- Article Examples
- of or relating to the science of acoustics;
"acoustic properties of a hall"
Synonym | Definition |
Audible | heard or perceptible by the ear "he spoke in an audible whisper" |
Audile | one whose mental imagery is auditory rather than visual or motor |
Audio | the sound elements of television |
Auditive | of or relating to the process of hearing "auditory processing" "an audile person" |
Auditory | of or relating to the process of hearing "auditory processing" "an audile person" |
Aural | relating to or characterized by an aura "various aural effects that precede a migraine headache" |
Auricular | pertaining to an auricle of the heart "auricular fibrillation" |
Hearable | heard or perceptible by the ear "he spoke in an audible whisper" |
Hearing | the act of hearing attentively "you can learn a lot by just listening" "they make good music--you should give them a hearing" |
Hypersonic |
View all cognitive synonyms for Acoustic
Anagram | Definition |
Acoustic | a remedy for hearing loss or deafness |
View English words with the unique letters used in acoustic. Words With The Letters Aciostu
Acoustic Is In These Word Lists
- Starts With A
- Ends With C
- Spelled With / Contains Letters