- Types Of Speech
- You can use lustrous as a adjective satellite in a sentence.
- About Lustrous
- A 2 syllables adjective satellite and 8 letters with the letters l, o, r, s, t, and u, 5 consonants, 3 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters tr. Lustrous starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters l, lu, lus, lust, lustr, and the ending characters are s, us, ous, rous, trous, ..
- Definition
- Reflecting light; "glistening bodies of swimmers"; "the horse''s glossy coat"; "lustrous auburn hair"; "saw the moon like a shiny dime on a deep blue velvet carpet"; "shining white enamel"
- Compound Words
- A compound word, lustrous has more than one word within it. There's 2 words which are lust, and rous.
- School Grade
- Lustrous is set as a sat word that starts with l, ends with s, 2 syllables, 3 vowels and 8 letters.
- Pig Latin
- Lustrous in Pig Latin is said as "ustrouslay or ustrouslway".
- Unigram
- l | u | s | t | r | o | u | s
- Bigram
- lu | us | st | tr | ro | ou | us
- Trigram
- lus | ust | str | tro | rou | ous
- Quadrigram
- lust | ustr | stro | trou | rous
- Word Gram
- Adjective Satellite Examples
- reflecting light;
"glistening bodies of swimmers";
"the horse's glossy coat";
"lustrous auburn hair";
"saw the moon like a shiny dime on a deep blue velvet carpet";
"shining white enamel" - brilliant;
"set a lustrous example for others to follow";
"lustrous actors of the time" - made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing;
reflecting a sheen or glow;
"bright silver candlesticks";
"a burnished brass knocker";
"she brushed her hair until it fell in lustrous auburn waves";
"rows of shining glasses";
"shiny black patents"
Synonym | Definition |
Aflickerp | |
Aglitterp | |
Aglow | |
Aglowp | |
Artificial | artificially formal "that artificial humility that her husband hated" "contrived coyness" "a stilted letter of acknowledgment" "when people try to correct their speech they develop a stilted pronunciation" |
Assumed | accepted as real or true without proof "an assumed increase in population" "the assumed reason for his absence" "assumptive beliefs" "his loyalty was taken for granted" |
Bastard | derogatory term for a variation that is not genuine something irregular or inferior or of dubious origin "the architecture was a kind of bastard suggesting Gothic but not true Gothic" |
Beaded | covered with beads or jewels or sequins |
Beady | covered with beads or jewels or sequins |
Beaming | radiating or as if radiating light "the beaming sun" "the effulgent daffodils" "a radiant sunrise" "a refulgent sunset" |
View all cognitive synonyms for Lustrous
Anagram | Definition |
Lustrous | reflecting light "glistening bodies of swimmers" "the horse''s glossy coat" "lustrous auburn hair" "saw the moon like a shiny dime on a deep blue velvet carpet" "shining white enamel" |
View English words with the unique letters used in lustrous. Words With The Letters Lorstu
Similar Word | Definition |
Bright | full or promise; "had a bright future in publishing"; "the scandal threatened an abrupt end to a promising political career" |
Lustrous Is In These Word Lists
- Starts With L
- Ends With S
- Spelled With / Contains Letters