- Types Of Speech
- You can use unfriendly as a article or as a adjective satellite in a sentence.
- About Unfriendly
- A 4 syllables article and 10 letters with the letters d, e, f, i, l, n, r, u, and y, 7 consonants, 3 vowels and 4 syllables with the middle letters ie. Unfriendly starts with a vowel and ends in a consonant with the starting letters u, un, unf, unfr, unfri, and the ending characters are y, ly, dly, ndly, endly, ..
- Definition
- Not disposed to friendship or friendliness; "an unfriendly coldness of manner"; "an unfriendly action to take"
- School Grade
- Unfriendly is set as a grade four word that starts with u, ends with y, 4 syllables, 3 vowels and 10 letters.
- Pig Latin
- Unfriendly in Pig Latin is said as "unfriendlyay or unfriendlyway".
- Unigram
- u | n | f | r | i | e | n | d | l | y
- Bigram
- un | nf | fr | ri | ie | en | nd | dl | ly
- Trigram
- unf | nfr | fri | rie | ien | end | ndl | dly
- Quadrigram
- unfr | nfri | frie | rien | iend | endl | ndly
- Word Gram
- Article Examples
- not disposed to friendship or friendliness;
"an unfriendly coldness of manner";
"an unfriendly action to take" - not easy to understand or use;
- Adjective Satellite Examples
- very unfavorable to life or growth;
"a hostile climate";
"an uncongenial atmosphere";
"an uncongenial soil";
"the unfriendly environment at high altitudes" - not friendly;
"an unfriendly act of aggression";
"an inimical critic" - lacking warmth of feeling;
"a chilly greeting";
"an unfriendly manner"
Synonym | Definition |
Abhorrent | offensive to the mind "an abhorrent deed" "the obscene massacre at Wounded Knee" "morally repugnant customs" "repulsive behavior" "the most repulsive character in recent novels" |
Activist | a militant reformer |
Adversary | someone who offers opposition |
Adversative | expressing antithesis or opposition "the adversative conjunction `but'' in `poor but happy''" |
Adverse | in an opposing direction "adverse currents" "a contrary wind" |
Aggressive | having or showing determination and energetic pursuit of your ends "an aggressive businessman" "an aggressive basketball player" "he was aggressive and imperious positive in his convictions" "aggressive drivers" |
Agonistic | struggling for effect "agonistic poses" |
Ailment | an often persistent bodily disorder or disease a cause for complaining |
Alien | a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere |
Allergic |
View all cognitive synonyms for Unfriendly
Antonym | Definition |
Friendly | characteristic of or befitting a friend "friendly advice" "a friendly neighborhood" "the only friendly person here" "a friendly host and hostess" |
Anagram | Definition |
Unfriendly | not disposed to friendship or friendliness "an unfriendly coldness of manner" "an unfriendly action to take" |
View English words with the unique letters used in unfriendly. Words With The Letters Defilnruy
Similar Word | Definition |
Beetle Browed | n/a |
Hostile | used of attempts to buy or take control of a business; "hostile takeover"; "hostile tender offer" |
Scowling | sullen or unfriendly in appearance |
Uncordial | lacking warmth or friendliness; "looked uncordial as we approached" |
Unneighborly | not exhibiting the qualities expected in a friendly neighbor |
Unneighbourly | not exhibiting the qualities expected in a friendly neighbor |
See Also | Definition |
Cool | great coolness and composure under strain; "keep your cool" |
Hostile | used of attempts to buy or take control of a business; "hostile takeover"; "hostile tender offer" |
Incompatible | not compatible; "incompatible personalities"; "incompatible colors" |
Inhospitable | unfavorable to life or growth; "the barren inhospitable desert"; "inhospitable mountain areas" |
Uncongenial | used of plant stock or scions; incapable of being grafted |
Unsociable | not inclined to society or companionship; "an unsociable nature...shy and reserved"; "generally unsociable except with intimate friends"; "unsociable behavior"; "an unsociable neighborhood" |
Unfriendly Is In These Word Lists
- Starts With U
- Ends With Y
- Spelled With / Contains Letters