- Types Of Speech
- You can use uninterestingness as a noun in a sentence.
- About Uninterestingness
- A 6 syllables noun and 17 letters with the letters e, g, i, n, r, s, t, and u, 11 consonants, 6 vowels and 6 syllables with the middle letter s. Uninterestingness starts with a vowel and ends in a consonant with the starting letters u, un, uni, unin, unint, and the ending characters are s, ss, ess, ness, gness, . Uninterestingness is also a double consonant (ss) word. View the double consonant words list.
- Definition
- Inability to capture or hold one''s interest
- Compound Words
- A compound word, uninterestingness has more than one word within it. There's 2 words which are uninteresting, and ness.
- Pig Latin
- Uninterestingness in Pig Latin is said as "uninterestingnessay or uninterestingnessway".
- Unigram
- u | n | i | n | t | e | r | e | s | t | i | n | g | n | e | s | s
- Bigram
- un | ni | in | nt | te | er | re | es | st | ti | in | ng | gn | ne | es | ss
- Trigram
- uni | nin | int | nte | ter | ere | res | est | sti | tin | ing | ngn | gne | nes | ess
- Quadrigram
- unin | nint | inte | nter | tere | eres | rest | esti | stin | ting | ingn | ngne | gnes | ness
- Word Gram
Antonym | Definition |
Interest | a diversion that occupies one''s time and thoughts (usually pleasantly) "sailing is her favorite pastime" "his main pastime is gambling" "he counts reading among his interests" "they criticized the boy for his limited pursuits" |
Interestingness | the power of attracting or holding one''s interest (because it is unusual or exciting etc.) "they said nothing of great interest" "primary colors can add interest to a room" |
Anagram | Definition |
Uninterestingness | inability to capture or hold one''s interest |
View English words with the unique letters used in uninterestingness. Words With The Letters Eginrstu
Word | Definition |
Impotence | the quality of lacking strength or power being weak and feeble |
Impotency | the quality of lacking strength or power being weak and feeble |
Powerlessness | the quality of lacking strength or power being weak and feeble |
Uninterestingness Is In These Word Lists
- Starts With U
- Ends With S