This page has 0 with the beginning sound, 2 where the middle has the sounds of hollis, 75 end matches and 0 rhymes. With 79 sounds matched, 2 words have all the sounds. Click on any word to find sounds for that word.

Maximum 75 Words Per Page.

Words that sound a lot like hollis, using all syllable sounds.

WordLengthConsonantsVowelsSyllablesLettersUnique Letters
Cardinalis Cardinalis211388 aaaaccddiiiillnnrrss acdilnrs
Carduelis Carduelis191186 aaccddeeiillrrssuu acdeilrsu

Words that sound like the middle sounds of hollis ( olli )

WordLengthConsonantsVowelsSyllablesLettersUnique Letters
Cardinalis Cardinalis211388 aaaaccddiiiillnnrrss acdilnrs
Carduelis Carduelis191186 aaccddeeiillrrssuu acdeilrsu

Words that sound like the last sound in hollis

WordLengthConsonantsVowelsSyllablesLettersUnique Letters
Avicennia Officinalis21111010 aaacceffiiiiilnnnosv acefilnosv
Bacillus Subtilis171166 abbciiilllssstuu abcilstu
Bad Policy10734 abcdilopy abcdilopy
Balaenoptera Borealis2111108 aaaabbeeeillnooprrst abeilnoprst
Baptisia Australis181087 aaaabiiilprsssttu abilprstu
Basic English13944 abceghiilnss abceghilns
Bear Malice11653 aabceeilmr abceilmr
Beggars Lice12843 abceeggilrs abcegilrs
Beggar My Neighbor Policy251878 abbceeggghiilmnooprryy abceghilmnopry
Beggar My Neighbour Policy261888 abbceeggghiilmnooprruyy abceghilmnopruy
Beggar Lice11743 abceeggilr abcegilr
Betula Fontinalis171077 aabefiillnnosttu abefilnostu
Be Foolish10643 befhiloos befhilos
Bibos Frontalis151055 abbfiilnoorsst abfilnorst
Black English131033 abceghikllns abceghiklns
Blatta Orientalis171076 aaabeiillnorsttt abeilnorst
Blennius Pholis151055 behiillnnopssu behilnopsu
Body English12933 bdeghilnosy bdeghilnosy
Boletus Edulis14866 bdeeillosstuu bdeilostu
Boletus Mirabilis171077 abbeiiillmorsstu abeilmorstu
Bomarea Edulis14776 aabdeeilmorsu abdeilmorsu
Borago Officinalis181087 aabcffgiiilnooors abcfgilnors
Borough English151054 begghhilnoorsu beghilnorsu
Bouteloua Gracilis18998 aabcegiilloorstuu abcegilorstu
Bowiea Volubilis16887 abbeiiilloosuvw abeilosuvw
Boykinia Occidentalis211299 aabccdeiiiiklnnoosty abcdeiklnosty
Brachychiton Australis221577 aaabcchhiilnorrssttuy abchilnorstuy
Bubalus Bubalis15966 aabbbbillssuuu abilsu
Bufo Debilis12755 bbdefiilosu bdefilosu
Bursa Omentalis15965 aabeilmnorsstu abeilmnorstu
Business English161155 beeghiilnnssssu beghilnsu
Calamus Australis171076 aaaacillmrssstuu acilmrstu
Calendula Officinalis211298 aaaccdeffiiilllnnosu acdefilnosu
Calochortus Amabilis201288 aaabcchiillmoorsstu abchilmorstu
Calycanthus Occidentalis241689 aaaccccdehiillnnossttuy acdehilnostuy
Campanula Pyramidalis211389 aaaaacdiillmmnpprsuy acdilmnprsuy
Cancer Borealis15965 aabcceeilnorrs abceilnors
Canna Edulis12754 aacdeilnnsu acdeilnsu
Canna Generalis15966 aaaceegilnnnrs acegilnrs
Cardinalis Cardinalis211388 aaaaccddiiiillnnrrss acdilnrs
Carduelis Carduelis191186 aaccddeeiillrrssuu acdeilrsu
Carlina Acaulis15875 aaaacciillnrsu acilnrsu
Carpobrotus Edulis181177 abcdeilooprrsstuu abcdeiloprstu
Catha Edulis12754 aacdehilstu acdehilstu
Causa Finalis13765 aaacfiilnssu acfilnsu
Celtis Australis161065 aaceiillrsssttu aceilrstu
Celtis Occidentalis191277 acccdeeiiillnosstt acdeilnost
Centaurea Imperialis2010108 aaaceeeiiilmnprrstu aceilmnprstu
Cercis Occidentalis191277 accccdeeiiilnorsst acdeilnorst
Chair Of English161154 acefghhiilnors acefghilnors
Chamaemelum Nobilis191187 aabceehiillmmmnosu abcehilmnosu
Charles Cornwallis181355 aaccehilllnorrssw acehilnorsw
Chief Of Police15964 cceeffhiiloop cefhilop
Chlamydera Nuchalis191367 aaaccdehhillmnrsuy acdehilmnrsuy
Choriotis Australis191187 aachiiiloorrsssttu achilorstu
Chrysophrys Australis211656 aachhiloprrrsssstuyy achiloprstuy
Cinchona Officinalis201287 aacccffhiiiilnnnoos acfhilnos
Circle Of Willis161154 ccefiiilllorsw cefilorsw
Citellus Lateralis181177 aaceeiillllrssttu aceilrstu
Citrus Nobilis14955 bciiilnorsstu bcilnorstu


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